Sunday, July 26, 2009

Worshipping the Stars

In Hebrew, the word for "idol worshippers" is "eved kochavim" - more accurately translated as "servants of the stars".

The Torah often compares the Jewish people to stars. In fact in last week's Parsha, Moshe says "You are like stars in Heaven in abundance". The Midrash goes on to draw other parallels between the attributes of stars in the sky, and Jews. Stars have their own light; they aren't jealous of each other; and they'll live forever (more or less) - just like Jews.

By this account, eved kochavim (idol worshippers) could be good people - "serving" the "stars" (i.e. helping the Jews).

Nothing could be further from the truth. The comparison between Jews and stars is incomplete in one major way: although Jews have their own light, that light only came from Gcd and is a reflection of Him. And so any nation that tries to help the Jews, without understanding and committing to the belief that in fact the Jew is only reflecting the light of Gcd, such a nation is not helping bring the Messianic era at all.

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